Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 188 – Sue Jones


22 September 2011


Environment and Sustainability Committee

Cardiff Bay


CF99 1NA


Dear Sirs


Re:  Petitions –  (1)‘No to TAN8 wind farms and high voltage lines spoiling our communities’ and (2) ‘Transport of wind turbines in Mid Wales


I understand that one of the remits of this Committee is to consider the above two petitions and I should be grateful if you take the following points into consideration as my objection to the proposed industrialisation of Mid Wales:


1          TAN8



2             Transport


·         Emergency services may be affected, both land and air;

·         Structural damage to roads and adjacent buildings;

·         Transport issues not part of TAN8

·         Abnormal loads in area for over 5 years – detrimental effect on economy of area.


I trust the above bullet points will be taken into consideration.


Yours faithfully




Sue Jones